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Save the Wetlands for tomorrow
It marks the date of the signing of the Convention on Wetlands on February 2, 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar on the shores of the Caspian Sea. However, it was celebrated as the World Wetlands Day (WWD) for the first time only in 1997.

Wetlands are a critical part of our natural environment. They protect shores from wave action, reduce the impacts of floods, absorb pollutants and improve water quality.They provide habitat for animals and plants and many contain a wide diversity of life. Wetlands provide an important range of environmental, social and economic services.

Many wetlands are areas of great natural beauty as well. The Wetlands Day is an appropriate time to look at wetland biodiversity as well as its role in wetland health. Equally important is how we are managing wetlands so that we sustain the healthy functioning of wetland ecosystems, including wetland species as well as the non-living components of wetlands upon which species depend - water and nutrients.

This year, the theme for the World Wetlands Day is "Wetlands, Biodiversity, and Climate Change." Another version of this theme is "Caring for wetlands - the answer to climate change." The three factors are inter-linked and each cannot be considered in isolation. Climate change is one of the most discussed issues in the world, its effect includes global warming, glacial retreat, water level rise and erratic precipitation rates.